Portraying A Narrative
In illustration, often you need to convey a story. Constructing this narrative is an important part of the field and is explored in this project. Starting with creating a list of "if this then this" scenarios, I was able to delve into storytelling with illustration. 
If... Then... List
Out of these hypothetical situations, I ended up choosing two to advance to sketches. Those two scenarios were "If birds were as big as planes then humans would use them like dragons in combat." and "If animals could go to college we would have CEO cats."
Between these two sketches, I ended up choosing the "bird as big as planes" sketch, because It was significantly more interesting than the other. This sketch presents an "about to" action. "Where are they going?" or "Who are they fighting?" are thoughts that manifest when looking at this sketch. The sketch associated with the scenario "CEO Cats" did not give justification for the cat being a CEO, and could be seen as a normal office worker, where in the other sketch it was clear right away what the prompt is and what is happening. 

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